Can I See the Real You..No Strings Attached

I don’t post to get my “likes” because whether you like it or not does not matter.  What matters most is that I post because I enjoy the freedom of being myself without the applause, the “amen” or the “like” button. I enjoy the liberty to say it as it is, the freedom to talk my own mind, to express that which is my own opinion. yes I thank God for that! The demonstrators, rabble rousers, trouble makers or law makers don’t give us this freedom, God does and I thank HIM for that.

In a society that hates the freedom of the free, we take our liberty and freedom and own it. FREEDOM IS MINE I OWN IT.  I can’t trade it for then you would be my master and I your slave. That’s why I’m not politically correct or  religiously puppetised,  I pull my own strings and loose my own chains. I’m not part of the culture of the “sorry.” either, if you get offended at what I say and I say “sorry” then I’m your puppet and you’re my JEZEBEL. So “sorry” I don’t play that game!  I don’t apologise for my countries past or its statutes, laws or crimes, for I have dealt with my “own” history, laws and crimes. I don’t call, name and bad mouth heretics so that I can look better than they. It takes a better man to make a lesser man look good.  I can talk to the street-walker, the drug pusher and the no-hoper and still be myself at the end of the day. I’ve nothing to prove except the fact that I can share a little love, give a word of hope and encourage another to be what he wants to be. No strings attached!

I say all that to tell you that if the real you don’t stand up, then the you that you know will be despised, depressed, down for the count and fake. If the real you don’t come forth, the world will be robbed of its authenticity and so will you. There’s something worse than fake news, that is the news that you are known as a fake you …. most of our troubles, problems and anxieties exist because we fail to be ourselves. We always want the approval and consent of others first. We want to play by their rules. Now is the time to play by your own rule. THE REAL YOU HAS YET TO BE SEEN… I hope to see the real YOU whether that’s in the pulpit, the pew, or the blog post. Can I see the Real YOU?… no strings attached…

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Can I See the Real You..No Strings Attached

I don’t post to get my “likes” because whether you like it or not does not matter.  What matters most is that I post because I enjoy the freedom of being myself without the applause, the “amen” or the “like” button. I enjoy the liberty to say it as it is, the freedom to talk my own mind, to express that which is my own opinion. yes I thank God for that! The demonstrators, rabble rousers, trouble makers or law makers don’t give us this freedom, God does and I thank HIM for that.

In a society that hates the freedom of the free, we take our liberty and freedom and own it. FREEDOM IS MINE I OWN IT.  I can’t trade it for then you would be my master and I your slave. That’s why I’m not politically correct or  religiously puppetised,  I pull my own strings and loose my own chains. I’m not part of the culture of the “sorry.” either, if you get offended at what I say and I say “sorry” then I’m your puppet and you’re my JEZEBEL. So “sorry” I don’t play that game!  I don’t apologise for my countries past or its statutes, laws or crimes, for I have dealt with my “own” history, laws and crimes. I don’t call, name and bad mouth heretics so that I can look better than they. It takes a better man to make a lesser man look good.  I can talk to the street-walker, the drug pusher and the no-hoper and still be myself at the end of the day. I’ve nothing to prove except the fact that I can share a little love, give a word of hope and encourage another to be what he wants to be. No strings attached!

I say all that to tell you that if the real you don’t stand up, then the you that you know will be despised, depressed, down for the count and fake. If the real you don’t come forth, the world will be robbed of its authenticity and so will you. There’s something worse than fake news, that is the news that you are known as a fake you …. most of our troubles, problems and anxieties exist because we fail to be ourselves. We always want the approval and consent of others first. We want to play by their rules. Now is the time to play by your own rule. THE REAL YOU HAS YET TO BE SEEN… I hope to see the real YOU whether that’s in the pulpit, the pew, or the blog post. Can I see the Real YOU?… no strings attached…

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